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Deceased Estates

The passing of a loved one can be sad and stressful. You need the time and space to grieve, but that can difficult if you’ve also got responsibilities to deal with and distribute their estate.

Add to that the need to understand and navigate probate laws, which allow an estate to be distributed, and you may suddenly find yourself under a lot of pressure. That’s the last thing you need.

Thankfully, Websters Lawyers have experienced estates and probate lawyers who can assist you with:

  • Carrying out your duties as executor of a will to obtain a Grant of Probate and in the administration and distribution of the estate;
  • Obtaining Letters of Administration if a family member or a de facto spouse has died without leaving a will;
  • An inheritance claim if you feel that you have not been adequately provided for in another person’s will.


In every will, an executor is appointed. This role is very important because it is the executor’s job to:

  • Find all the assets of the estate.
  • Pay all the debts of the estate.
  • Distribute all the assets in accordance with the will.

In order to distribute the estate, the executor must first obtain a grant of probate from the Supreme Court. This is a legal process that requires documents to be lodged with the Court.

If you have been appointed as an executor, you have legal responsibilities to the estate and its beneficiaries. There can be a lot to do at a time when you feel least able to cope and that’s when you need the assistance of an experienced estate lawyer to guide you, or handle everything for you.

Websters Lawyers have highly experienced estate lawyers who can assist you with:

  • Obtaining a grant of probate.
  • Administering and distributing an estate.
  • Advice about whether you might be entitled to make an inheritance claim.

We offer a free, no obligation initial consultation at which we can explain to you the process involved and how we can assist.

When you choose an Estate Lawyer you need to be absolutely sure that they have the knowledge and skills you require and also provide the level of service you expect. Let Websters Lawyers work for you.

Phone (08) 8231 1363 or click here to make an enquiry by email.


It doesn't cost you anything to know where you stand

*Please note: Websters lawyers is a South Australian based law firm, handling matters exclusive to South Australia, with offices located in Adelaide, Ridgehaven, Smithfield and Christies Beach.

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